Glorious Easter Morning! Seriously, folks, it doesn’t get any better than this! The very reason the church even exists is the stunning fact that Jesus defeated death and reclaimed the life-charged life for all creation.
Jesus, in all his resurrection glory and power, didn’t just stare death in the face but he literally entered into death – only to emerge more alive than ever before. Christ’s remarkable achievement means that we can confidently face both life and the end of life without doubt, without uncertainty, and without fear.
The Resurrection is (in equal parts) both victory over death and the transformation of life into new life.
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE: But it doesn’t stop there! Even more amazing is the effect Christ’s Easter Dance has on my life (and yours, too, if you’re interested) between now and the day our bodies finally give out and we transition into eternity. The transformational reach of Easter is to make life possible now, life in all of its fullness and literally soaking in love.
The transformational reach of Easter is to make life possible now, life in all of its fullness and literally soaking in love.
Showing up at church this morning to worship with my faith community is one way that I can raise my hands and shout “YES!” in response to God’s invitation to embrace all that is possible in life.
This is why we were created! We are designed for relationship with God. That first Easter morning re-calibrated the harmonics of our spiritual nature and set the stage for the whole world to enter the song.
Easter is a triumphant overture, a thundering introduction to life as God intended it from the foundations of time!
That’s a song worth singing and a story worth telling! Not just on Easter Sunday but every Sunday. Not just every Sunday but every single day of the week. Not just for today but for all of eternity.
Hallelujah, He is Risen!