Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Anybody HOT yet?

I don't know if anyone's mentioned this recently (sarcasm) but it's HOT in Florida about now... Fortunately we've had a few very decent early evening rain-storms in the past few days so my late evening walk with Scout is less oppressive and the mornings have been somewhere approaching pleasant.

Scout's "go-to" posture through most of the day is to find the coolest position where she can both be under a strong AC vent and spread out on either tile or hardwood flooring. When she warms up her section of tile she just moves over to some fresh ones, flops down hard, and sighs...

This morning I interviewed the director of the Brandon Sports & Aquatic Center for the newspaper, and all I wanted to do was throw myself in the pool.

But I guess I really must not be hot enough. I've signed up to play golf today with a 12:45 tee-time. Should be interesting. It will be my first foray into golf-dom since my April 9 fun-fest around the hilly course in Virginia. I'm posting a "predict Derek's score" status on facebook. I'm guessing an even 90, but I'm taking votes for 70's, 80's, 90's, and 100 plus. Otherwise known as fantasy, hopeful, predictable or embarrassing.

On the way home from the interview I read a bumper sticker that offered "You think this is hot? Try Hell..." Well, despite my distaste for the general posture of judgement that such a message suggests, I had to admit I was slightly amused!

And the message did at least remind me of how important it is to keep things in perspective, and to enjoy the fact that God loves us, and to never allow ourselves to be caught in a negative patterns that offer nothing but complaints about heat... or politics... or the economy.... or prices... or religion... or anything else that distracts us so easily from enjoying this wonderful life.

Enough for now - I must go embarrass myself on the course!
Peace - DEREK

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