Friday, November 4, 2011

News Briefs - written "Spirit on spirit"

Lots going on in today's post!
Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God's living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives—and we publish it. We couldn't be more sure of ourselves in this… His letter authorizes us to help carry out this new plan of action. The plan wasn't written out with ink on paper, with pages and pages of legal footnotes, killing your spirit. It's written with Spirit on spirit, his life on our lives! - 2 Corinthians 3
Today I'd like to highlight a few details I believe my readers could use, so this post will read more like a series of news briefs:...

# 1 - The new link to the Florida Conference News website (Florida Conference Connection): I believe there's potential here for some "Cross-pollination." The United Methodist Church is doing a good job of mixing current news stories (I write some of those) with an invitation to participate in an ongoing conversation around what it means to be a disciple in the day-to-day. Click on the link and take a look around. If you leave any comments anywhere, let them know you came in via my blog.

The new pile!
# 2 - I'm the "guest blogger" at Upper Room Books this week (The Upper Room): I guess interconnectivity must be the theme this morning. A lot of us waste a tremendous amount of time clicking on worthless (or worse) links on our computers. Upper Room Ministries maintains a tremendously useful and interesting website that's packed with resources and inspiration. You can read a daily devotional, pop over to the bookstore to see what's available, link to news-sites and more.

# 3 - This weekend at church we'll begin to occupy the new facility (First Presbyterian Church): Last week's dedication was inspirational on many levels, but this Sunday all the classes will move into their assigned rooms and the place will begin to pulsate with the kind of life-charged action that has come to characterize this faith community. Very exciting and extremely inspirational. Scroll back to this past Monday's post for more information. Or, better yet, show up Sunday morning and see for yourself!

David Henry at 17-days
# 4 - Family: Our grandson, David Henry, is full with life and noise and love and joy for his family. Yes, he's almost three weeks old already. Naomi and Craig can hardly contain their joy. He's been out-and-about visiting pretty-much everyone Naomi knows in Connecticut, eating non-stop, screaming when he feels it's necessary, watching his mama do Wii-Fit, and working the camera for his parents (who are completely in love with this awesome new creation).

Meanwhile, Andrew spent last weekend in Vienna (Austria), and then all of this week in Odessa (Ukraine). He should be back in Tuscany sometime tomorrow and ready to meet me in Rome later in the week (More on that another day).

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Of course, there's always more, isn't there? This is the exact point of this "life-charged life" blog. The question is never, "What on earth can I think of to post today?" Instead, it's always more along the lines of, "Wow! Another rich, action-packed, redemptive day-in-the-life of a Follower of The Way of Jesus; what should I leave out and what should I cover?"

Tell us about it, David Henry!
This is why the scripture I opened with is so appropriate. Our lives really are a letter that anyone can read. And, if we allow the letter to be written by Christ and then have the courage to publish it, that is the life-charged life. Our day-to-day is written with Spirit on spirit, his life on our lives. This really is one awesome privilege!

Peace, love and blessings - DEREK
Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God's living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives—and we publish it. We couldn't be more sure of ourselves in this… His letter authorizes us to help carry out this new plan of action. The plan wasn't written out with ink on paper, with pages and pages of legal footnotes, killing your spirit. It's written with Spirit on spirit, his life on our lives! - 2 Corinthians 3

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