Friday, October 23, 2009

Children - Sometimes it's Hard to Let Go...

It's cold in Connecticut this morning. Outside the sky is overcast and a steady breeze is blowing. Some of the best looking leaves from yesterday are on the way down; I can see them dropping through the living room window; they're making a fresh carpet so it's just about impossible to tell we raked the other day.

It really is beautiful here. I've said that before, but we're only enjoying a few brief days before heading back to Florida this evening.

There's something compelling about the cycle of the seasons; the way that Fall offers a fresh mulching of leaves before the harsher Winter months; the way that dormancy guards the promise of Spring; the way the natural rhythms echo the cycle of life - vibrancy, and disappointment, and renewal, and joy, and even wilderness; the constant of hope that is the backdrop of our
experience as sentient beings.

I'm also conscious that - while we talk on the phone pretty-much every day - so much time lapses between visits. This world is so far away from Florida (and in so many ways), and the last time we saw Naomi and Craig was March, when they came to Brandon. Life happens in between; priorities and lifestyles shift - they are making their own life here; and in some respects we move - not necessarily for good or for ill - further apart. What I'm saying is that it's still hard to let go.

This morning I played in the back garden with Star, their exuberant dog of questionable lineage. Star loves the cool Fall air and throwing herself in the thick carpet of leaves.

Yesterday evening we played endless ping-pong and then pool in the new basement, holding on to the week as long as we could, going to bed late. Rebekah helped Naomi with some of the finishing touches - Naomi's remarkable art, an old cue-rack, glass door-nob coat hangers...

This is a good home. Naomi and Craig love one another. But it is so far away and I wish so deeply in my soul that they could find a community of faith like First Brandon...

Still praying; still believing - DEREK

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