Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Global "Weird"-ing Rampant

“O the depth of riches, and wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable His judgments, and untraceable His ways!” (Romans 11:33)
I am nowhere close to making sense of the Bible, or fathoming the mystery of Creation; but in a way I’m glad about that, because following Jesus is the only possible response that constantly, consistently, reassuringly leads me in the direction of understanding, that faithfully illuminates my relationship to God, and that opens my mind at the same time as both opening and healing my heart.
t55theUletterUthis morning, when I left the house at 6:30 to walk Scout, it was 55-degrees and clear. This is South-Central Florida, and it’s the middle of May; I had to wear a light jacket; what a treat; unbelievable! But it’s been that kind of a year.
Ridiculously high temperatures in the early spring. Deliciously cool days before and after Easter. 90-degrees plus a couple of weeks ago. Now some cool mornings seemingly out of nowhere. Friends in other parts of the country have experienced similar situations; ditto for those living overseas.
If it’s part of a pattern, then the pattern can be described as no pattern at all.
Fact is, I don’t think the term “Global Warming” is any help; what we’ve got here is more evidence of “Global WEIRDing,” and it’s obvious that “what we don’t understand” has got “what we do understand” beat by a long shot. And what we don’t understand seems to be growing by the minute.
NOT A SCIENTIST: It’s important to note at this point that I’m not a scientist. But I’m not a politician either, and that hugely important qualification more than makes up for my non-scientist credentials. What I am is an observer; I tend to pay close attention to what’s going on and I’m more inclined to generate questions than answers.
This sometimes perplexes people who think it’s my job to tidy things up for them. “What do you mean you don’t have a pat answer for stuff that doesn’t make sense?”
Believe me, I’m a hugely reasonable guy, but I have no interest in reducing the universe, science, faith, God, or global weather to a manageable set of equations or a set of pithy explanations.
300px-Hands_of_God_and_AdamMYSTERY: On the other hand, I don’t believe that mystery is an excuse for non-action. Take the “global weirding” thing, for example. Just because it’s not easy to pin climate change on industrialization doesn’t mean that corporations (or individuals) should be off the hook for blatantly harmful practices.
What part of “Be nice to the Earth, it’s the only one we’ve got; if you break this one it’s not like we can go back to the store for a new one” do we not understand?
Likewise, the fact that so much of the story of God’s relationship to the Children of Israel leaves us scratching our heads, and the fact that the miracles associated with Jesus are pretty-much impossible to account for outside of faith, shouldn’t mean that we walk away from the relationship… or that we have to check our brains at the door… or dismiss the invitation of Jesus to live as committed followers of The Way.
I am nowhere close to making sense of the Bible, or fathoming the mystery of Creation; but in a way I’m glad about that, because following Jesus is the only possible response that constantly, consistently, reassuringly leads me in the direction of understanding, that faithfully illuminates my relationship to God, and that opens my mind at the same time as both opening and healing my heart.

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