Monday, December 28, 2009

On the fifth day of Christmas...

- pictures: me, my dad and Andrew, Rebekah and me...

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
Five days of work...
Andrew and Naomi...
And a Savior to set us all free....

I absolutely love working for myself. I'm a great boss, I've decided, but I'm going to have to talk to myself about pay and benefits! Just yesterday I listened to a report on CNN citing a study that documented above average job satisfaction for those who operate their own business. Duh!

I say, "duh" because - time and again - the evidence comes in that people enjoy their lives more when they engage in meaningful work. Not necessarily lucrative work, but work that scratches the particular itch placed there by the Creator.

Sometimes I think I'm "lucky" to be able to work full-time at something I enjoy so much. But I'm not so sure. I guess I'm naive enough to believe that each one of us has been created with some kind of desire built in that can only be satisfied by productive work... and that the world would actually run more smoothly if we all did the kinds of activities God had in mind for us to enjoy when he equipped us, work that satisfies our intrinsic need.

Obviously, practicality dictates more than idealism, and a job is a job - especially when there's nothing else available. But I can't help but think that we miss the mark more often than necessary, and that there's no good reason why close to 100% of the population should not be meaningfully engaged in work that is both satisfactory and useful.

For me, this is another reason I see my marriage to Rebekah not only as an awesome love story, but a helpful example of God's plan. I can write full time (earning very little money but certainly making a significant contribution to the world) and Rebekah has a salary while using her phenomenal ministry gifts to radically impact people's lives. Such teamwork is - I believe - a crucial element of God's economy.

So today, the fifth day of Christmas, I'm recognizing the gift of work. And - once in a while - actually getting paid!

Love and blessings - DEREK

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
Five days of work...
Andrew and Naomi...
And a Savior to set us all free....

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