Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dancing in the Minefields

Yesterday, as part of my work for "All Pro Dad", I wrote a new "10-Ways" list to go along with the music video for a wonderful song, Dancing in the Minefields. The question addressed was, "is your marriage dancing in the minefields?"

I'm not going to post the entire article here (I may when it's published), but I would like you to see the short statement about marriage I wrote to launch the discussion.

  • Being married is - at best - an arrangement where two people look forward at the great adventure before them, recognize the eternal truth that life was designed to be experienced in community, and commit themselves to one-another in the context of faithful love, boundless belief, and uncompromised trust.

I really like that! I like being reminded that life is - always - a great adventure. I like that it's an adventure we can share and that much of the adventure still waits for us in our future. And I believe it's critically important that we take note of the fact that we were designed/created/fashioned/imagined with the idea of covenant community in mind.

And then there are these three reminders, principles of married life, that set the adventure into its proper context.

  1. Faithful Love...
  2. Boundless Belief...
  3. Uncompromised Trust...

I imagine that's quite enough for today! Happy Tuesday - DEREK

Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.

Love isn't selfish or quick tempered.

It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do.

Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.

Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.

Love never fails!

(i Corinthians 13:4-8 - CEV)

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