Thursday, November 4, 2010

"These Words Are Trustworthy and True"

The angel said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true..." (Rev 22:6)

Today I'm officially beginning my new book. If you're confused, here's the distinction. As of this morning I now have: a "latest book", a "next book" and a "new book".

The general perception "out there" seems to be that, "Everyone writes a book nowadays". However, an informal poll of the people you know will probably reveal a different answer. So, if you happen to be one of those people who don't write books, you might be interested in the process.
  • First, the volume I still refer to as "my latest book" has been out for a year now. "The Unmaking of a Part-Time Christian" has been slow getting out of the gate, but the feedback from the few people have have read it continues to be extremely positive. There's a lot of my personal spiritual journey wrapped up in that book.
  • My "next book" is already finished. Right now it's in Nashville going through the editing process prior to production work. Production work will include title, page design, cover design, blurb, marketing plans etc. The 49-chapter book, a series of devotional readings for Lent, leading up to Easter, will be ready for purchase in the fall of 2011, and is targeted to make its big impact in early 2012.
  • So "My new book", the one I'm officially starting today, will likely not be available until 2012 or 2013. I have the idea, I've almost completed the outline, and I'll be writing the first few chapters between now and the end of the year. When that's done, I'll package a formal proposal and send it to my (or several) acquisitions editor/s. Then we'll have to see if anyone is interested before taking it to the next level. Ideally, I'll have a contract sometime in the Spring.
Short story, it's going to be a book targeted for men. But it will also - like GET REAL - be readable and useful for both men and women. I'm reluctant to divulge any more details as of now, except to say that it's going to be built around the keynote address I'll be bringing to national conventions for both Presbyterian Men (2011) and the Disciples of Christ Men (2012).

Between now and then, I'm simply asking for prayer... and maybe an invitation to come and talk at your church.

The bottom line on huge writing projects is this: It's impossible to set aside the resources necessary to write a new book unless I'm getting paid by somebody to go out and talk about the last one!

Grace and Peace - DEREK

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