Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Wisest of the Magi

Note: Check the facebook "Like" at the end of this post to share with your friends. Thanks - DEREK
This weekend I drove by a church sign that advertised the following theological lapse: "No church this Sunday due to Christmas." It was December 26. How deliciously ironical! Christmas is exactly the reason we get to do church in the first place. But it was evidently too inconvenient for this group, seeing as some of their members had doubtless already showed up Friday evening for Christmas Eve. I mean, really.

Church at fpcBrandon was awesome! We offered a combined service at 10:00 and the place was full. Don Zegal put together an amazing low-brass choir and we did a blended mix of music, Praise Band playing alongside the organ.

From the mouths of babes: Karen Weber shared a version of the following story for the children. "I have a young friend," she said, "who is very special. Frankie isn't able to do some of the things other children do, and sometimes that makes it difficult for him to fit in. Even though everybody loves him, sometimes he gets left out." 

She went on to explain that being left out wasn't the case when it was time to put on the Christmas pageant. Frankie wanted a part and they found just the right role for him to play. He got to be the Inn-keeper, and he had just the one line to remember. When Mary and Joseph knocked on his door he was going to say, "No! We don't have any room at the Inn!" Then, after Joseph explained their situation, he would say the same thing again, "No! We don't have any room."

So time came for the Christmas play. Everyone was doing a great job. Eventually, Joseph and Mary made their way to the door on one side of the stage and knocked. Frankie was ready: "No!" he said, with conviction. "We don't have any room at the Inn."

Joseph pointed to Mary. "We're tired and hungry," he said. "Mary is going to have a baby. Don't you have anywhere we can stay."

In that God-saturated moment, Frankie forgot everything... Frankie looked from Mary to Joseph and back again, and he spoke directly from his huge, love-filled heart. "It's Okay - you can have my room," he said clearly.

By the time Karen got to that part of the children's story we all knew what was coming. But it didn't make the truth of it any less powerful.

Frankie got it. Frankie understood the heart of the message. Frankie is the wisest of the Magi.

I wonder what my answer would have been?
Peace, Love, Hope & Joy - DEREK

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