But... not just the individuals, but the larger community too. There's good evidence to suggest that developing purposeful small-groups is possibly the most significant intervention available when it comes to moving any given church from stagnant/non-effective to vibrant/transformational.
Pencils out - ready? Here it is: These churches seem to be stuck in a social/cultural reference of what church should look like (typically based on "I remember when I was young..."), rather than a following-Jesus model and - consequently - they're constantly looking backwards instead of "upwards".
My natural tendency is toward inertia. I like my familiarity and I love my comfort level; it's not so much that I'm lazy as that I'm resistant to change, especially when change disturbs my comfortable rut. You know the physics, "a body at rest has the tendency to remain at rest..." That's one reason why the small group environment is so good for me - my friends can be a catalyst for reinvention.
A church that has even 10% of it's membership actively involved in this kind of encouragement, support, prayer and accountability is going to see dramatic shifts in the fundamental drive and steering dynamics.
In my on-line class we're discussing my Advent book, "In My Heart I Carry A Star". There are twenty congregations represented in the workshop, from five denominations in nine states. One is sponsoring a church-wide study - around 25 small-groups all studying the text at the same time; around 300 people all involved in a transformational experience with the prayers and support of small-circles of believers...
And that - as Rebekah would say - gives me chilly-bumps!
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