Saturday, February 27, 2010

"I Will Not Leave You Comfortless"

Saturday, February 27: So much for blogging every day during Lent!

If you have been travelling with me on this particular journey, then you may be surprised that I’ve allowed myself to fall behind. Well, I’ve had to spend some deliberate time with my extended family this week and – while it is certainly time well spent – it’s been pretty much impossible to be attentive to my work.

But my work, and this is certainly a very valid tie-in with our thoughts leading up to Easter, is much more than writing. My vocation is to step deliberately and continually into the role of “Being the presence of Christ” in my daily life. That’s why I’m with my extended family this week; that’s why I’ve been sleeping in my cousin’s living room.

It’s even why I was so polite to the car-rental people when they committed the corporate brand of highway robbery yesterday. Wasn’t it the disciples who asked Jesus, “Hey, Lord, would you please bring down fire from heaven and we can destroy these annoying folk who insulted you...” The thought certainly ran through my mind over at Enterprise Car Rental...

One of the great themes that Jesus repeats to his friends in many ways is this idea that he is “returning to the Father” in order that they (that we) will then have the opportunity and the responsibility to carry on the program.

And “the program” is this: "I will not leave you comfortless," Jesus said. He was referring to the Holy Spirit – but the Holy Spirit does most of God’s best work in and through the lives of people – real, flesh and blood, followers of Jesus.

It was, I believe, one of the reasons Jesus gathered his friends together for one last, unforgettable – meal together there in the “Upper Room” – to go over the highlights one more time. "This is your program now," he said; "The ball is in your court. Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in God, now trust me

Jesus was asking a lot, in terms of trust. But – and here’s the beautiful thing – God followed through. God is following through. God works in and through each one of us, if we allow it, and we can literally be the presence of Jesus where we find ourselves.

So God sent me here. I know it; I’m certain. I’ll be reporting back on some of what I learn as we go along.

Don't forget to go to worship somewhere this weekend.
With love - DEREK

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