Monday, April 30, 2012

Disney Magic!

The Disney Magic at Castaway Cay
This morning we floated back into Port Canaveral and started the re-entry process into regular life. We enjoyed a spectacular experience on board the Disney Magic, but it is most certainly time to ease back into the routine of writing, making our own beds, cooking our own food and eating at the kitchen counter.
I’ve started with this photograph from “Castaway Cay” yesterday afternoon, just to give some sense of the scale of the vessel we floated around on for five days. I have amazing photographs aplenty, so I’ll use today’s post to simply offer a taste of how it was like to sail as a family.
Dinner around the table together was always a treat (David is there. you just can't see him!)
EFFICIENCY: Wednesday our party of 12 made it on-board and into our first buffet line before 1:00. If there’s anything Disney know how to do well then it’s move masses of people without the chaos that often goes along with crowds.
Then it was an afternoon of exploring, getting our bearings, and settling into our surprisingly spacious cabins, and enjoying our  ”sit-down and be served” evening meal. My brother Geoff was the lead planner for this family voyage and – even though we were all terribly sad he wasn’t able to live long enough to make the trip – Geoff’s stamp was in the details and we toasted his memory at our first dinner.
Walking photography tour of Key West
SCHEDULE: Thursday we explored Key West, Friday was our day “At Sea,” Saturday we tied up at Nassau in the rain, and Sunday we did the same at the Disney island, Castaway Cay.
Over the next few days I’ll be telling some great stories from the cruise, along with including several spectacular photographs each day.
I’m looking forward to sharing - DEREK

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