Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's Time to Go Home

Time to go home:

I woke up this morning (a little late) ready to go home. It's been a great retreat, and it was preceded by an excellent men's conference in Nashville... but this morning it's like, "Enough already with the meetings and the worship stuff, let's get on with it!"
  • No disrespect to worship - I love God and I can never do or say enough to adequately express how I feel.
  • Nothing against meetings - This has been one of the best series of encouragement and motivation sessions I've ever attended.
  • Nothing wrong with all the teaching - I was one of the teachers, Trevor Hudson has been awesome, some of the other preachers have knocked my socks off.
But... and as our keynote speaker has intimated on several occasions, being "up on the mountain" isn't about us enjoying ourselves so much as it is about us becoming better equipped to live lives of meaningful faith that engage the real world.

My last lecture yesterday contained a section titled "Living Large for Jesus." I'll write more about the idea in the coming days, but the bottom line is this, I'm done with the retreat and I'm ready to go out there and live like I mean it - because God most certainly does.

Love and blessings - always - DEREK

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