Friday, July 6, 2012

Psalm 23

light in the rain trees
esterday was “catch up on the yard” day. The tropical storm, plus heat and sunshine, added a good 12-plus inches of grass to mow through. But I enjoyed the physical work, the instant results, and the three hours or so of repetitive, contemplative labor.

Then, finishing up under the Amazon rain trees, I looked up. I was inspired by the way the sunlight filtered through the leaves and branches. I thought about the luminescence of grace and love, the way God is filtered but at the same time framed by the beauty of creation, and how it’s a good thing to look up as often as I possibly can – especially when performing tasks that are routine.
You, Lord, are my shepherd.
    I will never be in need.
     You let me rest in fields
    of green grass.
You lead me to streams
of peaceful water,
     and you refresh my life…

Darth talks things over with Rebekah
CAT CHAT: Wednesday, when we arrived home, our cat, Darth (who had been well cared-for by our friends), was very happy to see us both – but Rebekah especially. He expressed this by following her around the house and talking to her about it. His purr is gruff, varies in tone and pitch, and comes across as genuinely conversational.

Eventually we sat down in the “tea room” and he crawled into Rebekah’s lap for a more sustained chat.
Then Scout Labradoodle, who checked in for ten-days at her favorite resort, was simply beside herself with glee. It really is gratifying to be missed so profoundly and loved so openly by our furry animals.They have such complete confidence in us, and they understand at the core of everything that we will always take care of them.
You are true to your name,
    and you lead me
    along the right paths.
 I may walk through valleys
as dark as death,
    but I won’t be afraid.
You are with me,
    and your shepherd’s rod
    makes me feel safe…

David, falling asleep in his comfort zone
THANKS, DAVID: Finally, this gem from Naomi. Everyone enjoyed the wedding trip, and our grandson, David, was a joy to be around. However, when you’re eight and a half months old, what you really want is to be back home with your familiar things… and your toys.
So, first day back in Connecticut, David is so happy to be home that he simply topples over, fast asleep in the middle of his toys.

That’s how it is when we remember – often after far too long away – that our heart’s true home is to rest in the presence of our Creator. We travel, we work, we get involved in all the details of life… but we forget both who we are and whose we are.

And then, with the blessed realization of deep truth that works its way into the center of our being, we simply curl up and we rest in the familiarity of God’s presence.
Familiar even if it’s for the first time. Because we were created exactly for this kind of relationship; this kind of comfort; this kind of rest.
You treat me to a feast,
while my enemies watch.
You honor me as your guest,
and you fill my cup
until it overflows.
 Your kindness and love
will always be with me
each day of my life,
and I will live forever
in your house, Lord. - Psalm 23

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