Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Breathing (it's a good thing)

Dateline - Jacksonville: We're heading north, and that pretty much sums up the vacation launch in terms of what's important right now. Three words: Out. Of. Town.

Rebekah: "So what do you want to do? Just drive up and down the East Coast?"

Derek: "I'm open to that. Just so long as we see Naomi somewhere around the middle then I'm good."

That's Rebekah's smiling face at some fancy outdoor shopping mall in Jacksonville. Outdoors - Imagine that! So we ate outdoors too. Just to see what it felt like. Sunshine. Fresh air. A breeze. Almost shivery. That's what I'm talking about.

So relaxed my camera stayed in its bag in the SUV. Good thing I have a Blackberry. The really good thing was that we could breath. And that's so much more than low humidity and temps in the 70's. I'm talking about we can breath because we're on vacation quality breathing. This one has been a long time coming.

Oh yes, it was certainly great to see Jesse/Heather and family for a few hours. And also good to be able to visit my brother, Geoff, two-thirds of the way into his evaluation here at the Mayo Clinic. News on if he's accepted for the transplant will be forthcoming in about a week.

Meanwhile it's "onward and northward for us."

Grace and Peace - DEREK

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